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TEDxGeorge Salon

How Modern Technology Decolonises University Education

The advent of modern technology is revolutionising university education, offering unprecedented opportunities to decolonise and democratise learning. Traditional educational models in many parts of the world, including Africa, have often been influenced by colonial legacies that emphasise Western perspectives and methodologies. Modern technology, however, provides tools to challenge and transform these paradigms. By leveraging digital platforms, online resources, and innovative teaching methods, universities can offer more inclusive and diverse curricula that reflect the rich cultural and intellectual heritage of African societies. This shift not only empowers students with a broader and more relevant education but also fosters a more critical and independent approach to learning, encouraging them to question and contribute to knowledge production actively.

Our upcoming TEDxGeorge Salon event, titled "Modern Technology Decolonises University Education," will explore how these technological advancements are reshaping the educational landscape. The event will feature speakers and thought leaders who are at the forefront of integrating technology into university education to promote decolonisation. Attendees will hear about successful initiatives that have used digital tools to enhance access to education, diversify course content, and support collaborative learning environments. By highlighting these innovative approaches, TEDxGeorge Salon aims to inspire educators, policymakers, and students to embrace technology as a means to break free from outdated colonial frameworks and to build an educational system that is equitable, inclusive, and reflective of Africa's diverse identities and experiences.

This event will serve as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing best practices, and envisioning a future where technology empowers every student to reach their full potential.

TEDxGeorge Salon: How Modern Technology Decolonises University Education
Date: 29 August 2024
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Location: Nelson Mandela University, George Campus, Staff Lounge

TEDxGeorge SalonSalon events are small events that keeps our TEDxGeorge community engaged between regular TEDx events. It's a unique kind of gathering that TEDx we hold which allows the conversation to continue, up close and in person.

Three reasons why you'll love TEDx salons:

  1. The discussion: A critical element of salon is lively discussions, allowing attendees to actively participate in the event. With much smaller audiences than a standard TEDx event, salons bring attendees together in more intimate spaces, and with more chances to get know and exchange ideas as with each other.
  2. The single subject: Having the ability to focus on only one subject creates focused audience and atmosphere.
  3. Frequency: TEDxGeorge Salons are recurring events that offer a way stay engaged with the latest ideas. Salons can happen between larger standard events, providing a regular touch point for you and TEDxGeorge.